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This is wenxi living in Jurong West. I am a Executive, work in Clementi. I like to hang out in Clementi, Jurong West, Boon Lay. Japanese, Thai, Vietnamese, Chinese are my favorite cuisines. I also love Restaurant, Hawker Centre and Sushi/Sashimi, Zi Char, Ramen, Fish.
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Showing 81 to 85 of 1744 Reviews in Singapore
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Categories : Singaporean | Coffeeshop

The first drink that warms a Singaporean's stomach after touching down in Singapore, "Teh C" and the favorable silky barely. There's definitely no place like home! Missing all the good food and drinks here! Barley was good to go with mild sweetness, although we ordered the cold version, the amount of ice cubes were not that over killing. Barley drink was smooth as expected while Teh C is great and filled with tastes of Singapore tongue

As early as 8am, Ya Kun Kaya Toast was already quite packed - not many seats were available. The good thing about the environment is that, it has adequate spaces allowing travelers who have luggages to dine in comfortably by parking their luggage while having a quick bite.
Silkyz Barley & Teh C

Silkyz Barley & Teh C

Recommended Dish(es):  Silkyz Barley
Date of Visit: Jun 30, 2013 

Spending per head: Approximately $3(Breakfast)

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I missed the boat! Smile Jun 13, 2013   
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Categories : Frozen Yogurt

Initially I wanted to buy all four flavour of the day on Yami Yogurt's banana boat but as I reached there, there was only 3 flavours left: Natural, yam, green apple. I requested for a mixture of yam and green apple in a regular cup but was rejected due to that they only left medium cup for just green apple only.

Left with no choice, I took the natural flavour with yam in a regular cup with honey oat toppings at S$3.25. Natural flavour is usually the last choice on my list. After tasting it I find that it's actually not bad. Feels original, with abit of sour taste and hints of milky texture. Yam flavour on the other hand was rather light. However, in between, it gives off some yam fragrance.

Few face was seen, the guy was polite when he turned me down initially due to the my request in the combination of yogurt flavor. I do not have small notes and had given him a S$50.00 note instead, he took the note calmly and counted repeatingly before handling me the change. A careful worker!

Recommendation / Tips
I had missed some bites on the honey oats and swallowed down my throat, it's quite hurtful and almost cut my throat. Do remember to bite more on the toppings before swallowing!
Recommended Dish(es):  natural flavour
Date of Visit: Jun 12, 2013 

Spending per head: Approximately $4(Other)

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My Duck Fix Smile May 16, 2013   
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Categories : Cantonese/Hong Kong | Chinese | Coffeeshop | Rice | Kids-Friendly

Marked your calendar on 22nd June 2013 is Mr Lim's retirement. It seems like he had just announced this piece of sad news over to all his die-hard supporters but in reality the stated date was just a wink of the eye away.

Thinking that we might not making any return soon before his retirement, we have ordered whatever they had offered on its menu.

These sweet vinegar chilli for everyone of us was placed on the table with the chopsticks.

Plain and simple Toufu

Sambal Kangkong

The fragrance white rice with sweet gravy over it

Porridge, which becomes watery nowadays.

"Spareparts" from the duck


Braised eggs x 4

The main that whet our appetite, *drumrolls* the braised teochew duck!


Poor uncle, he has to pump double / triple hard nowadays before his retirements. It seems that he had his tool (knife) and ground glued to him.

True enough, after the news broke up, there are never ending customer flow for Mr Lee. I even heard that there are faithful regulars queuing up for food before the operation hours daily nowadays. Luckily we were there early and able to grab the seats fast.

Take a look at the surroundings and fixture before everything becomes history...

A total amount of S$57 spend including 5 drinks (3 barley & 2 lime juice) and shared among 6 pax. To think of that in just about one month more we have to bid final goodbye to these yummy braised duck, S$9.50 per pax is reasonable price for our duck fix for the day.

Recommendation / Tips
All main dishes are good to go for a great meal. Everything is recommended in fact.
Recommended Dish(es):  All
Spending per head: Approximately $10(Lunch)

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Xiao Niang Re Smile Apr 26, 2013   
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Categories : Peranakan / Nonya

My interest of peranakan food had increased ever since the Xiao Niang Re show went viral past few years back. The combination of chinese & malay cuisine into a uniquely blend.

Overwhelmed by the menu given to us from Ala Carte to set meals, my colleauges and I finally decided to go ala carte and share among ourselves.

Ambience was pretty neat and clean with purple as its theme color. Sofa seating PVC covers are dark purple while ceiling is painted in light purple. The cashier counter table seems pleasant and orientated.

When we asked for belacan chilli to be refilled, there is no 2nd question asked and we were given 3 times the portion as before. They are generous!

Ngoh Hiang: S$8.00
This five spice meat balls are sufficiently tasty especially with a light tap of sweet sauce. Decorated with the chinese parsley in the bowl of 6 meat balls makes an outstanding dish out of the browish balls. Chunks of chestnut bites can be felt as we bite through the minced pork/fish meat balls. A total indulgence from Peranakan Cuisine.

Beef Rendang: S$12.00
Dishes are generally served in small portions suitable for 4 pax. Beef rendang arent oily as expected, meat are tender and amazingly, doesnt stuck in between my teeth. To enhance the presentation out of the brown dish, it comes with a spice leaf on top of it. A signature dish of daisy's one should not have skipped.

Bakwan Kepiting: $5 x 2
These meatballs served in soup are packed with minced pork and crab. Together with the crunchy bamboo shoots in the hearty prawn broth. Given a little kick with the generous portion of belacan, sets off the bouncy, crabby meatballs.

Chap Chye: S$8.00
The nonya style mixed vegetables looks different. Where is the glass noodle? I find none. A unique taste different from all the nonya chap chye i had tasted so far. Cabbages are braised till softness.

Considering the cost of having peranakan food in singapore isnt that cheap due to the efforts and spices they used in preparation. I would say what daisy's dream kitchen had offered is considerably competitive in the market. The total amount was there then split up among four of us which costs about S$17.00 each. Pretty reasonable.

Apart from all dishes, we did order barley drinks. Minimal sugar were ended in the drink and it tastes almost just barley grains but healthy.

Service is responsive! The lady boss did come to our table as she do her rounds at every tables and asked if the food is alright. Friendly enough!

Best of all, minimal or no MSG were used as I do not feel any thirstiness after the meal.
I will be back again with my friends!

Recommended Dish(es):  Ngoh Hiang
Date of Visit: Apr 26, 2013 

Spending per head: Approximately $17(Lunch)

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Vegetarian OK Apr 23, 2013   
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Categories : Hawker Centre | Vegetarian

Vegetarian Bee Hoon can be a very good choice when one is lacking idea of what to eat. Just order a plate at $2.50 and make the lady decide for you the rest (the "toppings")

Beehoon has a fragrant smell, with a distinct wok hei taste that we love. The dish is rather dry and suitable for those who dislike having too much gravy. For those who loves the "wet look" on their noodles, they do offer gravy upon your order.

Bean Curd skin is well fried yet not oily, maintaining its crispiness till the extent that event even the gravy was all over it.

Given the choice of having gravy, this is the after effect. With the sweet tasting gravy and the combination of soury taste from the green chilli on the wet bee hoon, making a perfect combination for one's savour.

Mock Char Siew Meat is soft and chewy..

Overall dinning experience is fine and service is average.
Recommended Dish(es):  Vegetarian Bee Hoon
Date of Visit: Apr 23, 2013 

Spending per head: Approximately $3(Lunch)

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