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This is ashleytok . Japanese, Korean, Fusion are my favorite cuisines. I also love Restaurant and Desserts and Cakes, Steaks and Grills, Sushi/Sashimi.
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Showing 111 to 115 of 174 Reviews in Singapore
Fix Smile Nov 29, 2014   
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Categories : Café | Halal | Burgers and Sandwiches

Run by the same amazing peeps from Grub, we have now another alfresco dining option to 'fix' our cravings! Unlike Grub, the whole place is open concept, meaning no air con hor. Luckily, we came when it just rained, so least there was still some breeze. =p

The place is just next to the pool, so technically, it's a pool side dining! Heehee #cheapthrill

Pretty desserts that I have yet to try coz I was too full. Well, saving it for the next visit!

Our brunch looking colourful & chirpy! What a great way to start the date!

Chicken Tikka Naanwich - $10

This is rather an unique item to find in a western cafe's menu. It has Indian nann & chicken tandoori, japanese ramen style runny egg, coupled with marinated cucumber. Oh right, dont forget the cup of nacho with cheese to add on to the intriguing combination. All these for just $10+? Wow.

Donut (Choose from Salted Egg or Lemon Custard dip) - $7

A different version of your normal salted egg bun dim sum. The little donut was served warm and the size was just nice to pop right into the mouth. Very addictive indeed!

I dont know whether it will taste as nice when leave to cool. But.... but, why should you not gobble it down huh? Keke

 Visit for more review! ♥ ♥ ♥

Recommended Dish(es):  Donut (Choose from Salted Egg or Lemon Custard dip),Chicken Tikka Naanwich
Spending per head: Approximately $18(Lunch)

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Hatter Street Bakehouse & Cafe Smile Nov 19, 2014   
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Categories : Café | Desserts and Cakes

Hatter Street is a fairly new cafe nestled in the Kovan neighbourhood. It appears rather out of place amongst the old style kopitiams, neighbourhood shops. But again, I really like the idea of theme cafes sprouting in the sub urban, well at least you dont have to travel all the way to the town just to have a nice hi tea afternoon.

As you step into the little cafe (yes, rather tiny with approximately 20s odd seating?), you will be whizzed into a "Alice in Wonderland" theme. 

The cakes looked interesting but the prices are quite stiff, considering that the size is not big. Oh well, next time I will try them when I'm feeling rich!

Pandan Icecream with Gula Melaka Sauce - $8.90

I have eaten waffles at many places, but I have never seen such a combination before ~ pandan & gula melaka sauce? Really sound very local. I liked that the pandan icecream was subtle and not overwhelming and it was a good match with the gula melaka sauce. Probably tasted like shit if matches with the usual chocolate or caramel sauce. Hahaha

The waffles was also very light, just nice when you have a hearty dinner yet have a itch for something sweet. And the blueberries were sweet too!

This definitely ranks the top few waffles that I will revisit!

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Recommended Dish(es):  Pandan Icecream with Gula Melaka Sauce
Spending per head: Approximately $10

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2014 Vday Celebration at Edge Smile Nov 19, 2014   
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Categories : Multi-Cuisine | Hotel | Desserts and Cakes | Seafood | Buffet

I went for a buffet dinner on Vday! It was a very last minute booking and we were so glad to find a table here. 

I'm going to start spamming with lotza lotza photo okay? Prepare a bowl to catch your drooling saliva ya? Dont say I never give warning.....

Fresh Seafood - Oysters, Prawns, Crabs, Scallops!



Indonesian/Malay Cooked Food

Frog Legs!

This was probably the first time that I've seen frog legs served in a buffet.

Spicy Crayfish with Fried Man Tou

Black Pepper Crab

We only took the pincers coz easier to eat lah. I quite like the black pepper crab as it was more flavourful as compared to the fresh crab legs. Satay Assortment

Meat Assortments - Ranging from Chicken, Duck Confit, Salmon etc

We were really spolit for choices!

Quiche, Aparagus, Potato and dunno what in the last plate...

Chicken Curry

Fried Tempura

This was pre-fried though and merely heated up, so not as crispy as freshly fried from the wok. Can probably give this a miss.

Sushi Assortment

Salmon Sashimi

Fatty and Fresh!


Grill Station

We were given wooden stick with our table number, which we passed to the chef at the Grill Station. Once cooked, it would be served to us.

Tried the grilled beef and pork. Cooked to perfection!

Because it was Valentine's Day, the dessert station was so dainty and sweet, mostly in pastel colour in pink & purple. Everyone was trying to take pictures here, as the sweet stuff made the perfect background!

The meringue here were nice too, not deadly sweet, especially those with coconut fillings.

They also served traditional kuehs but was somehow "neglected" in one corner. Keke

Pink fondue! Have you seen anything like that?

I loved the pink fondue which tasted like Pocky Strawberry and it tasted perfectly with the strawberries which were all so sweet. I must had eaten at least a good 5 or 6 strawberries.

The durian puree was not displayed out at the dessert station. But the staff serving at our seating area recommended it to us, saying that this is their popular dessert and he was really nice to help me to request from the chef. Thumbs up for his service.

The verdict for the durian puree? Really devilicious, so wickedly good that I was trying to finish it even though my stomach was already protesting! You can really savour the mao shan wang meat yet it was creamy enough. I'm missing it while typing now... >.<

Overall, I think the spread is really good and I wish I have a bigger stomach size to try everything!


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Table Wait Time: 5 minute(s)

Celebration:  情人節 

Spending per head: Approximately $130

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Grub Smile Nov 19, 2014   
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Categories : Restaurant | Burgers and Sandwiches | Brunch

French Toast - $12

Have a sweet tooth in the morning? Then you should order the French Toast. Keke

Even though there was only 1 slice of toast, the portion was decent, coupled with a huge sausage. Simple yet satisfying.


Crispy Fish Burger - $12

There are quite a number of burger variety on the menu but so far, we had only tried the fish burger. I like that the fish was very crispy with little batter.

Mentaiko Fries - $9

This was my must-order appetizer every time I go to Grub. The sauce was really addictive, fries never taste the same with the sauce. Highly recommended, goes well with beer and friends! ^_^

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Recommended Dish(es):  mentai fries
Spending per head: Approximately $25

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Forest @ Resort World Sentosa Smile Nov 19, 2014   
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Categories : Hotel

Finally, the long awaited wedding anniversary lunch celebration! We had been postponing it as there was always something on on Sunday, and this 8 course set menu is only available on Sunday. Hey, at least we still "made it" within the month of June. =p

The restaurant is decorated in such a manner that keeps reminding you of its name Forest. Brown wooden pillars ( probably laminated) that branch out to the high ceiling, leaves featured wall, flowers, even the staff are donned in brown suit. My notti hubby suggested that the staff should wear a green cap so that they will look like walking trees. =_="

The 8 course lunch comprises of 13 dishes all together, and will take about 2 hours to finish the whole course. So do consider the timing when planning your schedule! Dont rush through the lunch and waste such a nice atmosphere!

1) Soup of the Day

Soup of the day is winter melon soup. Can really smell the aroma of the soup from far. Taste wise, I was expecting sweeter since it smelt so nice. Nonetheless, a tasty soup to warm the stomach and we were so ready for the delicacies! Bring it on!

2) Tuna Tartar marinated with Mango served in Cone

3) Baby Abalone in Thai Style

The abalone was slightly spicy, just enough to tease the tongue, complemented with a sour/sweet /spicy green apple salad. Even my silly hubby who doesnt like to eat abalone, said this dish was good.


4) Pan seared Hokkaido Scallop in Black Bean Sauce

5) Vietnamese Roll with Sliced Lobster in XO Chili Sauce

Obviously, the scallop being so huge already won the hearts. Yet I liked that it was treated in a very typical Chinese style with black bean sauce and fried shallots ( I think) even though the presentation said a different thing. I expected the sauce to be on the salty side just like the normal black bean sauce, but somehow this was just nice and I polished the sauce clean with the big fat scallop. Yum!

Again, the sauce accompanying the tasting portion adds a lot of points to the dish. I thought it tasted like Japanese sesame sauce. A pity that the lobster slice was a tab too little to really taste the natural sweetness, so that's why the sauce played a vital role.

6) Steamed Egg Chawanmushi with Crab Meat

Hey, I luv chunky crab meat that I don't have to shell myself. Hehe

7) Deep Fried Prawn with Crispy Cereal

A ball of springy prawn coated in fresh crispy cereal. Fresh because I really dont taste any symptom of oil, yet it was so crispy!

Tip of the day: Dun waste the cereal, eat it with the chawanmushi too!

8) Steamed Cod Fillet with Yunnan Ham and minced Ginger in Lotus Leaf

By now, we were almost full. The servings here really were really decent even though they are suppose to be tasting portions. I like that they never cut corners! It was okay, we can tahan and will definitely finish this course. *affirmation nod* So now, we were finally at the main course.

The cod fish was very smooth and literally just fell apart with a stroke from the fork, no knife needed! Since I have a shorter body, which means my nose is nearer to the plate, I can smell a very strong lotus leaf. I dunno why, but I thought that there was a tiny weeny bitter aftertaste, which I reckon was due to the lotus leaf. Overall, it was still a very delightful dish.

9) Wok Fried Beef Cubes accompanied with Pan-seared Foie Gras

Bet you cant tell, but there were foie gras cubes "hidden" amongst the beef tenderloin cubes. Now I'm the silly one, I just threw all the foie gras to hubby's plate. Me DUN LIKE foie gras.

The beef was pale compared to the other dishes, the meat was slighly tough but I still liked the wok fried fragrant. And dont forget to eat the crispy nest!

10) Braised Japanese Ramen with Crab Meat

11) Wok Fried Jap Pearl Rice with Smoke Duck and Sausage

The noodles tasted like chinese mee suan rather than ramen, smooth and silky but also like very 凊淡. Nonetheless, the chunky crab meat and tasty broth made up all!

Our stomach were protesting but still, we had to finish this coz it was so tasty! The Japanese pearl rice were fried until the texture seemed like glutinous rice with little bites of smoke duck and sausage here and there.

12) Mango with Pomelo

13) Pandan Cake with Crumbles

Thank goodness, desserts were light hearted instead of pulut hitam or durian cheesecake. It would have been an agony if those were served.

The pandan cake was very light & fluffy with the added crunch, wished that there were more crumbles though.

We ended off with tea!

Not sure whether tea/coffee was included in the set. We saw other customers left without having them, but yet we were not charged with extra cost.

Just for sharing, if you are thinking of coming here, why not sign up with RWS invite, which costs $150 for a year membership. In return, you will get $200 dining vouchers. More worth it right? ^_^

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Table Wait Time: 10 minute(s)

Spending per head: Approximately $70

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