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This is ashleytok . Japanese, Korean, Fusion are my favorite cuisines. I also love Restaurant and Desserts and Cakes, Steaks and Grills, Sushi/Sashimi.
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Showing 121 to 125 of 174 Reviews in Singapore
Teppei Japanese Restaurant Smile Nov 19, 2014   
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Categories : Japanese | Hotel | Sushi/Sashimi | Omakase



I've heard ravings about barachirashi at Teppei, and finally got an opportunity to try this out with a friend!

We were not working on a weekday noon, so we went there at about 11.30am ( lunch starts at 12pm), thinking that early bird will get the worm. *Palm face* There was already a long queue, and we thought we were being kiasu to be there half an hour earlier? Dubz... Why the office staff can spend time queuing when lunch is supposed to be just an hour? I also want to go work in their company. =_="

Thank goodness, we managed to get in for the first seating. In fact, we were the last 2 to go in. Really heng lor.. The place is very small, with just counter seats around the chefs' working area. I did a mental calculation, the restaurant probably can only accommodate 20 odds patrons at one time? Good luck if you intend to come in big group.

We were given free flow of side dishes while the chef prepared our chirashi. I particularly liked the stewed meat + radish which was good enough to be a dish on its own. The ingredients totally soaked up the sweet sauce so well, give me a bowl of rice!! Hee hee

Finally, our little bowl of seafood goodness came. The bowl was smaller than other places but com'on it was only $17.60!!! Where to find so cheap chirashi? If you think they cut corners and serve you substandard seafood, no lor... salmon, tuna, scallop, roe were all so fresh and sweet.

Click on to read more! ♥ ♥ ♥

Recommended Dish(es):  barachirashi
Spending per head: Approximately $20

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Hinoki Smile Nov 19, 2014   
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Categories : Japanese | Sushi/Sashimi | Kids-Friendly

This was the first time I tried 'omakase' and seriously I didnt know what to expect!


Uni with Egg Custard

Wild Vege with Bonito Broth

Cod Fish Sperm

The fish sperm was somehow challenging to finish. Taste wise kinda plain,texture was slimy and totally resembled a mini pig brain. Definitely not my kind of delicacy and obviously we didnt finish it.

Fresh Baby Eel with Mountain Yam

Oh no, another slimy item. =(

Flounder with Truffle Sauce

Tuna Belly


Thank goodness, after the first 2 dishes, the rest of the items were more palatable.

I really liked this dish which combined my two favourite items, scallop and tuna belly, and my first time trying flounder. Fresh ingredients which required minimal seasoning, very satisfying indeed.

3 pieces of Specialty Nigiri Sushi and Horse Mackerel Mini Chirasi

This was another highlight of the day! I didnt know what were the aburi fish slices, but all of them tasted so good! I will definitely revisit Hinoki for its nigiri sushi!


Japanese Musk Melon

Macha Mochi

Yuzu Sorbet

Finally, a delightful combination of typical japanese dessert to end the dinner. =)

We spent close to 2 hours to finish the 8 course dinner, which was priced close to $200 per pax. Although there were items that were too 'adventurous' for our liking, the overall experience was an enjoyable one.

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 ♥ ♥ ♥




Recommended Dish(es):  Nigiri Sushi
Table Wait Time: 10 minute(s)

Celebration:  情人節 

Spending per head: Approximately $200

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Platypus Smile Nov 19, 2014   
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Categories : American | Pasta | Seafood | Salads/ Acai Bowl

On a random night, we decided to pop by Platypus to try our luck in getting a seat, since we did not manage to make the reservation online. Here, they can only accommodate 40 seats per night and so, it's recommended to make 2 - 3 days advance booking.

At 6pm on a friday night, we were able to get a seat for 2 just by walking in.  ^_^

Crustacean Starter Bowl - $19

This was recommended by the staff and it was awesome!! 

The starter bowl is made up of uni creme, butter-poached lobster, Japonica rice, honey ponzu, caviar, char-grilled cheddar cheese, sesame, chervil. Very flavorful texture and such a beautiful presentation, how can you not be tempted?

We almost wanted to lick the bowl if we were not in public area lor... >.<

Comes as starter or main course, which I will recommend to take the former so that you can still eat the lobster roll lah.

Lobster Roll - $19

Set with chips & salad - $22

We ordered the Traditional Set and The Modern, which looked like identical twins. 

Taste wise, we cant really differentiate the two, but both were good to satisfy the lobster craving. And what's more, $19 instead of the freaking $48 at most places, I will definitely revisit here when my lobster craving itches.

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 ♥ ♥ ♥


Recommended Dish(es):  Crustacean Starter Bowl
Table Wait Time: 5 minute(s)

Spending per head: Approximately $30(Dinner)

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Pince & Pints Smile Nov 19, 2014   
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Categories : American | Bars/Lounges | Seafood

I wanted to visit Pince & Pints since its opening; there were so many blog posts and Instagram pictures raving about it! And finally, I seized the opportunity to "ka-doh" my hubby to give me a treat on my birthday which was 2 months ago.

No reservations allowed and my hubby was there earlier to queue slightly before 6pm (dinner time starts at 5pm on weekday). He couldn't go in and chop a seat first as the staff only allow entering when everyone was present. I reached at about 615pm and still we got to wait till close to 7pm before we managed to get a table.

I reckon best to come either very early or very late, otherwise be prepared to wait. I will love to bring my parents but the wait sure can kill. It was pretty hot & tiring to stand at the corridor while waiting for a table lor.... Hopefully by now, either the restaurant has expanded to a bigger seating area or the crowd has became more manageable?

Menu is simple - Lobster of coz! 3 varieties all at $48++

The Lobster Roll

Super meaty lobster, shelled and stuffed into the bread. Great for ladies, and even guys, who dont want to get their hands dirty. Completed with fat fries and salad.

Live Whole Lobster

Choose between grilled and steamed, and I chosen the former. One word -> shiok!

The feeling of eating lobster in chunks, and I meant, big chunks was simply shiok. And you felt so blissful that after eating so much, there was still so much remaining... ^____________^ Big grin literally.

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Recommended Dish(es):  Lobster Roll,Grilled Lobster
Table Wait Time: 45 minute(s)

Celebration:  生日 

Spending per head: Approximately $50

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New Kid on the Block Smile Jul 27, 2014   
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Categories : Belgian | Desserts and Cakes | Burgers and Sandwiches

Calling waffle lovers out there, a new waffle place is in town!
Literally.... ^_____^
The Belgaufre is conveniently located at the newly renovated Pomo, which is just a few minutes walk from Dhoby Ghaut MRT. If you think Plaza Singapura is always packed with people, why not check out Pomo when currently the traffic flow is still manageable? I think it's a good alternative for lunch too, yup they serve food here also!

You can choose from liege or brussel waffle here. I didnt know there are different type of waffles until I went Belgaufre. Not bad sia, learnt sth here.

Waffles here is really affordable, ranging from $2 to $4+, then add a scope of ice-cream for $2.5. Tastewise, the waffles here tend to be on the softer side, although I prefer mine more crispy. Then again, it's really individual preference.
I like the generous serving of toppings here, which made the waffles more interesting. And dont you think the ice-cream scoop seemed to be "bullying" the waffles? Not that I'm complaining, I adore dessert places that give big scoop of ice-cream! Hehe

I love the durian cream cheese cake here which is dense yet not too rich. You know, there are cheese cakes out there whereby they are so rich that you probably feel jerlat to finish 1 slice yourself. But the cream cheese cake with the cookie-like base here is just perfect and I can totally finish it myself if not that we are taught always to share good stuff.
And the durian flavour is of the right consistency, not too overwhelming. Thumb up for this!

Click the link to read more!



Spending per head: Approximately $10(Lunch)

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