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This is Skyyse . I also love Desserts and Cakes, Pasta, Juices.
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Showing 51 to 55 of 303 Reviews in Singapore
Fusion cuisine OK Dec 31, 2013   
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Categories : Japanese | Japanese BBQ/Teppanyaki

Haramiya is a Japanese BBQ restaurant but seems to be a fusion of several different elements. For example, on the outside, it might look like an oriental Chinese restaurant but one look at the menu, you can see that it serves Japanese and Korean cuisine. My friend and I were wandering around the shopping mall, and decided to dine there, having been attracted to their attracted menu prices.


My friend and I ordered the Korean Bibimbap set which came with quite a few sides, as can be seen on the picture above. There was beansprouts with carrot, tofu, as well as kimchi, salad and even fruits. The kimichi was a little meagre but I guess I couldn’t really begrudge them based on the total number of sides served. I didn’t really enjoyed my bibimbap because it consists of minced meat which I do not really like. However the meal does look appetizing with the egg yolk nestling in the middle of the dish.

Although the outside of the restaurant looks quite intimidating, they do offer set meals at affordable prices so it is an alternative dining option. Would look forward to trying out their barbeque food items next time.
Recommended Dish(es):  Korean Bibimbap set
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Late night at Shuffle Smile Dec 31, 2013   
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Categories : American | Bars/Lounges

My friends and I headed to Shuffle for a round of drinks. We reached around 11pm + and changed seats for a total of 3 times before we finally settled at the 4th table which was directly in front of the stage. (Yeah! Paraphrase was playing that night too). It was a bit unpleasant though. Luckily our drinks were only served at the 3rd table or I can imagine the waiters/waitresses moving the drinks from one table to another.


It’s a Friday night and Paraphrase was playing but 2 of the 4 members were away. The lead singer was replaced by another lady who had great vocals too. We dedicated quite a few songs but none of them was played. I think they are swamped by song dedications that day.

I noticed that Shuffle have also changed their decorations and some of their furniture. The same goes for their drinks menu. No more Kronenbourg Beer tower.  Anyway we ended up ordering a tower of Hoegaarden. In between drinks we wanted to play games so I asked for dices and I was expecting 4 cups of dices but was only given 1 cup. Hmm. Anyway we made do by playing some other games with 1 cup of dices.


My friend also ordered a thin crust pizza to share and though I only ate a little, (I was quite bloated with the drinks already), I liked the pizza. Cause 1) it’s thin crust (yes!) and also its very flavourful. I think I will try dinner there someday.


Before we left, we also ordered a bucket of Corona Extra and a bottle of Apple Cider for a friend who prefers lighter alcoholic beverages. Apple Cider is nice but I think it’s a bit too gassy for my liking. I prefer the Corona Extra.

Will continue returning to Shuffle for the drinks and live band!
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Delectable Japanese Cuisine Smile Dec 31, 2013   
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Categories : Japanese | Sushi/Sashimi



Went to Ichiban Sushi at the Clementi outlet for lunch with my friend. We ordered Chawanmushi Salmon Cheese, Salmon Asaparagus, Lobster Salad, Chuka Wakame (seasoned seaweed sushi), Salmon Avocado Mayo, Mixed Vegetable Roll and Tamago sushi.


The Chawanmushi was good. Nice but a bit salty. I like it that way. It had a thick chunk of crab meat with a few slices of mushroom. Tastes better than the chawanmushi bought from food courts and other stalls.


I didn’t try the salmon because it was my friend who ordered those. She initially wanted to order sashimi but settled for salmon. She commented that the salmon slices were very thin. (Maybe cause she is comparing it to sashimi). The salmon is lightly cooked. The Salmon Avocado Mayo tasted very silky. I think it could be cause of the avocado mayo.

The Tamago is good by itself, no need to add the soy sauce or anything. There wasn’t anything special about the Chuka Wakame. There is a tinge of wasabi in the Lobster Salad. Quite strong actually that I almost got choked by it. tongue

The Vegetable Roll is very refreshing. Maybe cause I had it after the lobster salad. It is very crunchy cause of the cucumber. Hardly tasted the avocado. Still it is like vege goodness.

Overall we paid $28 for the meal which I think was quite reasonable.
Recommended Dish(es):  Tamago, Vegetable Roll
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Jumbo Seafood! Smile Dec 31, 2013   
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Categories : Seafood

Jumbo Seafood Restaurant is a homegrown restaurant chain which first opened its doors at this very outlet. Therefore no harm tracing it to its roots and have dinner there right?

While having dinner there with a bunch of my friends, we ordered quite a lot and the seafood is really not too bad. The gravy that came with the crab is really thick and i like to pair it with other food too. The crab has lots of meat and i really think it is cooked quite well.

Will return with my family for their seafood!
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Fabulous Cakes Smile Dec 31, 2013   
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Categories : Singaporean Western | Bakery | Café | Desserts and Cakes

One day i decided to pop by The Fabulous Baker Boys having heard about them from a friend. It is a little bit out of the way but it is worth the trip. The restaurant boosts a cozy ambience with sofas and chairs around the place. The cakes too! I was so excited when i saw the pretty cakes on display.

I decided to order a slice of the Red Velvet ($9) and they were so nice! I only tried Red Velvet cupcakes but they are quite similar in terms of appearance and taste (somewhat). I love the fact that the slice of cake is littered with little hearts. So cute. Anyway the cake is really dense with layers of cream cheese in between the cake layers and a layer of chocolate. Not a chocolate lover but the cake just blows me away.

Shall organize an outing there soon with my friends to satisfy my cake cravings!
Recommended Dish(es):  Red Velvet
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