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Showing 11 to 15 of 153 Reviews in Singapore
Pepper soft shell crab pasta OK Dec 29, 2013   
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Categories : Café

The presentation of the soft shell crab was soft and there was succulent meat within, however, the crab was not fried and served immediately as it was a tad bit cold. The pasta was al dente and done decently, but the flavor of the pasta was sort of mundane as you get used to the pepper after a while. I suppose if you like alio olio, you would quite enjoy this pasta. I think they used olive oil and because of that it feels light and not too heavy despite the fried soft shell crab.

The reason why I would head back to Cedele is due to their 'healthy' marketing, however I think their service can definitely be better. The waitress ignores you when you need assistance and hovers over you when you'd rather they leave you alone. The bread section should be more accessible and perhaps served to those that are in business meetings or is not able to access the station so easily.
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wu xiang OK Dec 29, 2013   
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Categories : Hawker Centre

Outside of stall

The Prawns were fried on the spot, but everything else was cold. Not too sure if I'm fond of the fishball and squid just because it seems like it could have been made and set out for a while. Apparently, the stall is quite famous for their wu xiang though.

Their chili sauce was tasty but quite oily. Probably nice with some cool drinks on the side, but didn't feel very light or healthy.
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Thick pieces of meat OK Dec 29, 2013   
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Categories : Chinese | Hawker Centre

Long lines were snaking out of the stall front so we decided to line up and see what the fuss is about.

Presentation isn't exactly their forte, but their intestines were very tasty and yummy.

The duck was marinated well as each slice was thick and flavorful. The downside was that the meat wasn't cut properly so the pieces tend to get stuck in the teeth and was not a very pleasant experience.

Recommended Dish(es):  Duck Rice
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FIrst time at Bornga OK Dec 29, 2013   
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Categories : Korean | BBQ

The layout of the restaurant is sort of odd. Sometimes it's rather tough to get the attention of the waiter. The exhaust system doesn't seem to be very good as we exited the place smelling like bbq and korean food.

Cutlery with tea

Banchans were a little odd tasting. I understand that Bornga is opened by a celebrity chef, but the cold potatos were odd and the kimchi didn't quite taste like authentic kimchi. It tasted rather sweet and metallic-- that's the closest way I describe it.

This tasted more like a hot and oily omelette, though it was larger size than I had expected.

Never seen this minced beef and bean stew before. They pretty much put it on a stove in front of you and it was bubbling for a while and spewing out of the pot. Apparently, the waiter assured us that they were keeping track of the time so it wouldn't be burnt or overcooked but we were worried for a bit.

Stew with rice.
Recommended Dish(es):  Minced beef and bean stew
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Mediocre buffet OK Dec 29, 2013   
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Categories : Multi-Cuisine | Café | Hotel | High Tea | Desserts and Cakes | Steaks and Grills | Buffet

Had a coupon for 50% off the buffet so came here for a weekday lunch buffet.

The sashimi selection felt limited (only salmon and tuna) and the cuts were rather thin and didn't feel very fresh. There were no oysters available at lunch.

The best part of the buffet selection was the crayfish though it ran out quickly. The cuisine is more centered on food that's local cuisine or peranakan. The ice kachang machine was broken too and there wasn't ice cream selections available. As a whole, the buffet felt mediocre at best.
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