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Showing 6 to 10 of 153 Reviews in Singapore
Rojak Smile Dec 31, 2013   
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Categories : Hawker Centre

Though they sold other dishes, everyone in line was there for the rojak. Not too sure why they decided to offer other dishes cause it seems like their business was pretty good. In fact it makes you question their expertise and quality when other dishes are sold.

I like watching people make rojak on the spot-- how quick and fast they are in cutting the vegetables. There were pineapples and beansprouts in this rojak, and though not a 'healthy' salad, it does make you eat some fruits and vegetables. It was a little on the salty and savory side so I needed a juice to wash the flavor down, but I wouldn't mind ordering it again if I'm back at Adam Road Food Centre and the line is not too ominous.
Recommended Dish(es):  rojak
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Satay Smile Dec 31, 2013   
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Categories : Hawker Centre

The satay pieces are sold at $60c per piece at a minimum order of 10. The meat was succulent, hot, and tasty. Before the satay could have cooled down, it was gobbled down quickly. The condiments were pretty much unnecessary as everyone was grabbing for the satay sticks before they were gone. If you have friends who think that satay is 'just' meat on a stick, they need to try a proper satay that's marinated well.
Recommended Dish(es):  satay
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Long line.. OK Dec 31, 2013   
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Categories : Indian | Hawker Centre | Halal

The store sells a few things that aren't very malay such as 'chezzy fries' (Cheesy fries), and mutton/chicken chop (that looks western).

We ordered the Ikan bilis fried rice and it took quite a while to come, however, the plate arrived fresh from the pan and was hot. Overall, it felt rather salty, so I think it's a good idea to order a plate and share amongst other dishes available in the food court.

Qualms I have about the place is that
1) the food takes quite a while to come
2) there are no price listed on the signboard, so you have to resort to asking the man who delivers your food.

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Salmon with rice OK Dec 31, 2013   
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Categories : Japanese | Food Court

Tanglin Mall is a place to hit up if you're in town and want to go to a food court where the seats aren't too hard to find. The furnishings of the restaurant is rather decent probably because it's nearby to Singapore Tourism Board. However, as it's in town, the prices aren't exactly cheap either. Be prepared to dish out $5-10 for food only.

The Japanese store has a few selections that are available for a little less than $5. One of the dishes is the dish pictured: Salmon with Rice. The way they serve it is easy to replicate at home and to make, however, it's something on the cheaper side in the food court. It's really just salmon with an egg cooked with water, sprinkled with some seaweed.

The taste is rather light so there's not much flavor nor saltiness, and it's served quickly while hot. An option if you don't want to have any fried food or anything that's too sinful within the food court.
Recommended Dish(es):  Salmon with rice
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Authentic Korean Food Smile Dec 30, 2013   
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Categories : Korean

The restaurant may have been around for a while and surprisingly the standards are improving. It's a little odd as the waiters aren't korean and there are actually malay and indian waiters in the korean restaurant, which I found a little out of place at first--but they are familiar with the dishes offered!

They have recently changed the menu so there's no more "it's out of stock" and "not offered anymore" stickers on the menu.

Banchan with the BBQ grill
Though the meats aren't cheap, you can request for salad.


seafood panjeon was served hot and was filled with squid and the likes of similar seafood


Sweet watermelon cut in the shape of a heart for dessert. Nice ending to an authentic korean meal.

Their panjeon was improved in terms of the quantity and the 'not-so-greasiness'. I would recommend to order their oxtail soup and beef short ribs (not pictured). Both bowls arrived promptly and was filled with meat. There's glass noodles inside and it's served with rice. Very hearty for the stomach, especially if you're down with a cold.
Recommended Dish(es):  oxtail soup,beef short ribs soup
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