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Showing 51 to 55 of 153 Reviews in Singapore
Taiwanese Porridge Smile Nov 25, 2013   
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Categories : Taiwanese | Porridge/Congee

The most authentic Taiwanese Porridge that I have yet to have in Singapore. Will see how I feel after I try Hsin Yeh.

What really impressed me was how quick the food was served and how pipping hot it all was! You could see the smoke and steam still coming off the food as it's served on your table.

The dishes were rather salty but I suppose that's because you're supposed to have plenty of sweet potato congee with it. As a whole we may have over-ordered for 2 pax, but there was so many options to choose from. Total cost was about $50 for 4 dishes, but honestly, the dishes were enough to feed 4 people.

The service could have been better and they felt rather short-staffed. One of the few times where I felt like I owed the waitress money when they asked you what you would like to drink (Similar to some hawker centre experiences). Don't expect your drinks to be refilled immediately.

Deer Meat cooked with ginger and spring onions


Intestines were very authentic with salted vegetables

Omelette with Cai Poh

Abalone mushroom with veggies


Recommended Dish(es):  Deer Meat,
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Christmas Drinks Smile Nov 25, 2013   
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Categories : American | Coffee

Cranberry White Chocolate Mocha with no whipped is very christmasy. The small salt bits inside doesn't make the drinks overly sweet, which a lot of frappucinos sometimes do.


The black croissant intrigued me to try it and upon ordering I realized it was actually vegetarian. The staff warmed it up and it was an interesting blend of salty and sweet. The white sugary coat vs. the cheese that was the filling.

The environment at Liat Towers is very cozy and quite conducive for studying (as opposed to ION's starbucks)
Date of Visit: Nov 07, 2013 

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$4 a bowl for YTF Smile Nov 25, 2013   
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Categories : Singaporean Chinese | Hawker Centre | Noodles

In Singapore, good food is defined by those stalls that have lines. It's even more of a gem, when the line IS moving, and there's still a line present.

Each bowl of Yong Tau Foo is $4 and you are not able to pre-pick your ingredients. However, you can tell that the tofu and ingredients are freshly made and you can eat away heartily without worrying too much. The soup, I believe is made of the yellow beans and despite them having a snaking line, it is very considerate of the stall vendor to deliver the bowl to where you're sitting.

It is probably also due to the fact that there are plenty of elderly who are also frequent the store.

Date of Visit: Nov 12, 2013 

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Black Sesame & Almond Ice Smile Nov 25, 2013   
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Categories : Chinese Desserts | Desserts and Cakes

The shaved ice was a decent relief from Singapore's hot and humid weather. The black sesame was just right and not overly sweet, and the almond paired nicely with the black sesame.

Along with the dish was a black jelly on the side, which I hypothesize is grass jelly? But it's tougher than the grass jelly that you order in a drink. The price of this dish was $4 if I recall correctly, and it can be shared comfortable amongst 4-5 pax if you're not very hungry. Try not to order it for 1 pax as you may have some trouble finishing it before it melts. mad

Recommended Dish(es):  black sesame,almond,walnut
Date of Visit: Nov 12, 2013 

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Private Function Smile Nov 25, 2013   
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Categories : Hotel | High Tea | Desserts and Cakes

I helped organized a private function at 10 Scotts to celebrate Thanksgiving. The staff were really helpful in trying to cater to our request, however, there was a slight scare a week before the actual event as the team had lost the Order Form. Luckily, that was resolved and there was no need for a change of dates. Organizing with the team was rather confusing as a different person is in charge and you would get different replies from different people.

On site though, the waitresses are very attentive and courteous. They are very good at looking at the situation and their actions are rather fast.

We organized a Thanksgiving event and the team at 10 Scotts got us a Turkey station as well as pumpkin pie, in addition to the buffet spread and free flow soft drinks & coffee/tea. Per individual, we paid about 60 USD to cover the ++.

Though the Turkey wasn't as savory as what it was like in the US, they did a decent job at roasting it.

The eggtarts were rather cold, but the rose macaroons with raspberries was an absolute delight. There is also ice cream upon request, and I'm a huge fan of their rouge tea.

Overall, it's a decent venue to organize a cosy event
Recommended Dish(es):  macaroon
Date of Visit: Nov 16, 2013 

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