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Showing 26 to 30 of 153 Reviews in Singapore
Shellfish OK Nov 28, 2013   
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Categories : Singaporean Chinese | Hawker Centre | Seafood | Halal | BBQ

I don't even know how what dish is except that its' a type of shellfish. The sauce was quite spicy, though it looks harmless or non-spicy. You're supposed to suck one end of the shell and the meat will slip out. I had trouble eating it because it's the first time I've had it, so I'm not sure if my success rate is normal or not. I would like to note that we did not have diarrhea after this meal so the seafood seems fresh.

The dish was served hot, rather large and they didn't pressure you to order rice.

Saw a lot of people order crab from this store so I would like to check out their quality.
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Categories : Shanghainese | Food Court

For $5, this item is the most pricy item on the menu that is offered at this stall.
What drew me to the stall was the man who was pulling and making the noodles from scratch.
However, the disarray that the counter was in and how he had to go behind to make the soup did not make me feel that a lot of love and care was put into my bowl of noodles.

The bowl was served hot as the soup, I believe was heated up behind after inserting the beef strips (which didn't taste particularly fresh). The soup was very tasty, but halfway through the noodles, the sodium got to me and I couldn't have anymore. sad

Spending per head: Approximately $5(Dinner)

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$2.50 a plate OK Nov 26, 2013   
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Categories : Singaporean | Chinese | Hawker Centre

At $2.50 a plate, there really isn't much to complain about. It's cheap and it's filling. The stall is self-service, but the lady was very nice and said that she would call me when my order was done. The carrot cake was fried on the spot, cooked with garlic, sweet soy sauce, and garnished with onions. The portion is enough to share with others if you have a craving and don't want to over eat.

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Specialty Dishes OK Nov 26, 2013   
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Categories : Singaporean Chinese

This branch has undergone a lot of renovations in recent months. Due to labor laws, the waiters and waitresses are usually rather shorthanded. However, the restaurant tries to always introduce new dishes to get their customers to keep coming back.

This dish is a vegetable dish which was one of those special dishes available for a limited time. It looks like cucumber slices, but the waitress said it's one of those 'wild' vegetables. At Tung Lok, you can cook your dish to order so we decided to omit the small fried shrimp and the cook decided to flavor it in other ways. The portion was rather huge, tasty, and would have paired well with rice.


Their crayfish dish is quite delightful-- cooked with pepper, salt, and soy sauce, it's very flavorful. If it was more affordable, it might just be what I may order every time I decide to visit Tung Lok Signatures.

The restaurant does a good job in getting customers to return with their reward programs, as well as, their complimentary fruit juices (served in a test tube), and dessert
Recommended Dish(es):  crayfish
Date of Visit: Nov 14, 2013 

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Categories : Desserts and Cakes

Saw that Rochor Beancurd had Lotus Seeds with their Beancurd and I wanted to try it! I'm a huge fan of how it's served in Taiwan. The lotus seeds, however, weren't as fresh and soft as what I'm used to but it did give a slightly similar taste to what I had in mind.

The beancurd isn't the silky smooth type, but it also wasn't the traditional one where they scoop it up from a bigger piece. I'm not sure if this is due to the time of the night that I was there?

Their portuguese egg tarts are not bad to eat, but do try to eat it when it's hot and at the restaurant instead of taking it home and eating it the next day. sad
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