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This is midas400 living in Punggol. I am a engineer, work in Ubi. I like to hang out in Orchard, Serangoon, Tampines. Japanese, Singaporean, Cantonese/Hong Kong are my favorite cuisines. I also love Restaurant, Café and Roasted Meat, Dim Sum, Seafood.
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midas400  Level 4
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Montana Brew Bar @POMO  Smile  2016-03-20
Full review - Finished my medical appointment early, so dated hubby for lunch in town. We decided to try out the savory waffles from Montana, a specialty ...

Full review - Met up for a birthday dinner treat for Dec sista. We picked this place as it has 1 for 1 main course deal on The Entertainer A...

Full review - Met up with sistas for birthday celebration at the newly revamped Colony restaurant at the glitzy Ritz Carlton hotel. The n...
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游游小吃货 2014-11-06 14:59
Hello,I am an employee of Ctrip company,which is famous f...
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