6532 5266
Opening Hours
08:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Mon - Fri
08:30 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Sat - Sun
08:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
Variety of food and reasonable price. Short of manpower. Not very crowdy except on Sunday and public holidays.食物种类丰富,价格合理。人手不足。除周日和公共假期外,不擠。食物種類豐富且價格合理。 人手緊缺。 除了周日和公眾假期外,不是很擁擠。
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Heard of Red Star restaurant for long but never try before, so happen friend invited lunch at this restaurant and immediately confirm I like the typical huge hall with their decoration, of course must order 'siewmai ' chee cheong fan, and the rest, taste are authentic and I will my family next visit I hope to try next Cantonese cuisine and share my opinion
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訪星加坡期間,親戚請我們到牛車水的紅星酒家吃晚飯,他們説這是一間歷史悠久的老酒家,他們小時候能到這裡飲茶吃飯已是一個很珍貴、很難得的節目。酒家位於珍珠坊鄰近的HDB七樓,由店門口至店內裝潢佈置、員工制服等等都令人感到香港七、八十年代酒家的氣派。這裏的點心一向出名,既保留港式點心的味道,又再加上東南亞食物的特色。兩位始祖廚師屢獲嘉獎,根說現在新春流行之「風生水起」撈起菜式也是源自這酒家。當晚,親戚叫了五個餸菜,大大碟,份量十足,另加四碗白米飯,吃完我們六人已飽到捧著肚子,結果要打包攞走。五福臨門燒味拼盆 — 燒味包括叉燒、燒肉、海蜇、油雞及燒鵝,樣樣好吃,汁靚味美,應脆就脆,應爽就爽,肥膩適中,就連碟底的五香豆,大家都搶著吃。肉碎四季豆 — 四季豆青翠爽口,醬汁香濃微甜,拌著白飯吃,味道一流。雀巢腰果蝦仁 — 蝦仁鮮甜,腰果香脆,配以紅蘿蔔粒、馬蹄粒、西芹粒等等拌炒,以炸香了的芋蓉雀巢盛載,碟底鋪了脆口白式米粉,賣相極靚。羅漢齋 — 食材齊全,醬汁清甜。甜酸炸魚塊 — 魚塊是龍利柳薄切蘸粉漿炸至金黃,外脆內軟,配搭酸酸甜甜自家調製醬汁,惹味可口。
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Very affordable and yummy dimsum as introduced by my sister. However, it is quite inaccessible if you come here by public transport. red star was been quite famous for their dim sum and it is located at a rather run down block.Anyway, the dimsum here is good and affordable and authentic. We ordered Barbequed Pork Pastry, Prawn Dumplings, Xiao Long Bao, carrot cake, siew mai etc. All were delicious but I especially like their prawn dumplings as it is very fresh and the prawns were huge. The xiao long bao taste good too as the soup inside is very nice. My sister and I usually called it as “soup bao” haha.The bill came up to $30+ for 2pax which I find it value for money given the standard of the food. Will definitely return and bring my friends along!
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Having heard about Red Star Chinese Restaurant for a while, I was yearning to try it as I love Chinese Dimsum (Cantonese-style food of light snacks or individual portions of food served in steamer baskets or small plates). Red Star Chinese Restaurant is located at Blk 54 Chin Swee Road #07-23 Singapore 160054 and the number to dial is 6532 5266. Yes, its in a HDB block of flats, just in case you are wondering.So, that day when Katherine* suggested we go there for Ken's* birthday lunch, I immediately agreed. This age-old, authentic dimsum restaurant was always filled with patrons, but I was prepared to wait. Fortunately, that day there wasn't any queue.The restaurant's decor is atypical of a traditional Hong Kong Chinese restaurant - red metal-cushy chairs, large round tables covered with white tablecloth, and patterned red carpeting. It provided a very cosy and heartwarming environment.The amicable wait staff pushed went around tables with their carts of dimsum - a first time for me as opposed to the usual manual order-taking. We were hungry, so it was not hard for us to choose from the hot plates of delicacies on the metal racks.The first dish we had was the Char Siew Sou (minced meat puff pastry), a buttery, fluffy pastry filled with sweet red pork minced meat. These triangular pastries came with hints of crispiness, especially around the corners, which made them immensely tasty.Their famous Egg Tart - baked fresh so it was piping hot from the oven, filled with eggy, fragrant, soft custard atop a soft, tart-like pastry crust.Then we had the Har Gow (shrimp dumplings) - delicious, fresh and juicy shrimps wrapped in paperthin skins and steamed to perfection. And Braised Chicken Feet - tender chicken feet with almost crispy skin, braised in a salted-sweet sauce that was very lovely.We also had the Xiao Long Baos (tiny steamed buns containing minced meat and hot soup) - a delicious squirt of soup into the mouth is always delightful.Next, the mini pieces of Pork Ribs - softly cooked in a sumptuous gravy. For more detailed information and photos, do feel free to visit:http://thearcticstar.blogspot.sg/2014/01/lunch-at-red-star-chinese-restaurant.html
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