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6733 2225
秉承其提供終極精緻餐飲美食體驗的理念,Les Amis專注於提供精緻的美食和優質的葡萄酒。Sebastien主廚獨特的風格和創意融合了經典法國餐技巧和現代美學,同時注重食材的天然風味,以符合當地的氣候和口味。 繼續閱讀
米其林三星餐廳 (2024)
Fine Dining
著裝要求: 女裝-別緻、優雅又精緻 紳士-商務休閒 請注意穿著長褲和包包鞋
12:00 - 14:00
19:00 - 21:00
12:00 - 14:00
19:00 - 21:00
Visa Master 現金 NETS 其他
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魚子醬天使麵 法式豬肉派 近江牛馬鈴薯舒芙蕾
食評 (14)
再次到訪Les Amis 呢間”Les Amis”於1994年開業唔單只摘下米芝蓮兩星亦都係《亞洲50大餐廳》中排名12本身地位超然加冕後更格外引人注目****** Les Amis係新加坡最早嘅法國餐廳之一今次試另一個menu一上前菜已好有驚喜前菜總共有兩款其中個炸芝士波一咬落口已有濃濃嘅芝士味但又唔油膩****** 主菜分別以鵝肝、帶子、鴨胸同魚子醬為主主廚將每款食材都發揮得淋漓盡致每款菜都配以適合嘅sauce 將食材嘅層次更推上一層樓加上擺盤精緻經Server詳細介紹煮法同所用材料後更加令人欣賞主廚對食材嘅了解****** 餐廳內有可以觀賞主廚作業嘅主廚桌等顧客可以欣賞主廚Sebastien Lepinoy烹任時嘅全部過程除咗味蕾上嘅享受仲可以有視覺上嘅享受****** 整餐飯都令人驚喜連連為味蕾帶嚟震撼米芝蓮二星當之無愧 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-02-09
543 瀏覽
I had been meaning to try Les Amis for the longest time and the wife and I finally got down to it one sunny Saturday afternoon. Les Amis has been around for 20 years and is regarded as one of the pioneers of independent French fine dining in Singapore. It has also consistently appeared in various rankings as one of the top restaurants in Asia and the world (ie. 14th in Asia's 50 Best Restaurants by San Pellegrino in 2013 and 2014). Expectations were high, naturally.I like the high ceiling and chandelier but couldn't quite wrap my head around the two levels of seating (the 3 private rooms are on the mezzanine floor whilst the normal seating is on the ground floor. Maybe it's just me but I didn't get a very good vibe upon stepping in; The place just seemed a tad too stuffy for my liking.Complimentary Bread - A decent enough basket of bread to quell any growling pangs before the meal proper. This proved to be very useful later on.White Asparagus In "Blanc Mange", Oscietra Caviar - The white asparagus came in the form of a blancmange (flavoured dessert made from glutinous or starchy ingredients and milk), which came across as creamy and smooth with a distinctive asparagus taste amidst a mousse like texture. Topped with caviar for that salty slant and aesthetically surrounded by a ring of sour cream to cut through the fishiness of the caviar. Nice but too much of sour cream and blancmange together can be a tad nauseating. A very decent start nonetheless!Warm Lobster Encased Within Baby Spinach Accompanied By Classic Fish Bone Sauce - I couldn't quite make out the significance of the baby spinach leaf as the taste didn't quite feature but the warm lobster encased within was very good; crunchy with flavours accentuated by the creamy yet not too rich fish bone sauce. And finished off with salty fish roe. I liked this dish but found it tiny and a tad overly fishy.Angel Hair Pasta With Lobster, Crispy Sakura Ebi And A Touch Of Parmesan - First impressions, "god it's tiny!". Al dente angel hair pasta topped with small, crunchy lobster pieces, crisp sakura ebi that provided a nice crunch and chilli flakes for that mild fire; All simmered in a broth that had a beautiful crustacean flavour to it. Only gripes I had were that it was a tad too salty (and believe me, I have quite a high salt tolerance level) and that it tasted rather pedestrian, like a more refined version of 虾面 (prawn noodles).Hot Souffle Of Reine-Claude With A Refreshing Yoghurt Sorbert - The Reine-Claude (greengage) souffle was a tad soggy but relatively light. Served with a mildly sour yet sweet yoghurt sorbert. Pretty nice way to end off the meal.Petit Fours - Lemon madeleines and vanilla canelés. Not great, especially the canelés, which came across as bitter and hard on the outside. The lemon madeleines fared slightly better, sporting crisp edges and a mild lemony taste.Remember the basket of bread at the beginning of the meal and how I mentioned it was useful later on? Well, with the portion sizes, I definitely needed the bread to fill me up. And even so, I was left rather unsatisfied. Decently competent food but lacking the spark in my humble opinion. At almost $165 for a 2 pax lunch and with all its credentials, I was certainly expecting more; More creativity, more outstanding flavours. But sadly, both seemed to be a little lacking. Service was professional but reserved. So is Les Amis past its prime? Maybe...See all my pictures at http://www.timelessfacade.com/2015/02/les-amis-past-its-prime.html 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-08-03
316 瀏覽
I went back to Les Amis for lunch on 22.7.2014. The 4-course set lunch was excellent the last time i came on 1.4.2014. :-) & today again it did not disappoint. Wife ordered 1/2 bottle white pinot noir. It was good. The bread basket was good. baguette, brioche & sour dough were all good. The roll wife said not good. I did not try.#1 the crispy langoustine was excellent packed with meat tasted just like very tender lobster, & it was such a large helping.#2 the foie gras was kind of monstrous. & it was very good too. so was the smoked eel (super!) & cherries.#3 the 2 main course options were wild scottish salmon confit & tartare OR beef tartare. beef tartare is 1 of my favourites for appetiser. this one though was a main & it was quite tasty. this preparation had quite a bit of herb. it was very good but i would prefer to have less herb & a more dominant sweet tasting beef.the salmon confit & tartare was very good as well. a poached or baked salmon tends to be more chunky. this confit was medium rare & had a bit of the texture of cured salmon or sashimi. very nice. beef tartare came with a good french fries.#4 the dessert of the day was very good too. I really like the quality set lunch here, and it offered good value at S$45++pax, similarly to their sister outlet au jardin which had regrettably ceased operations.See my full reviews & photos at = http://chefquak.com/2014/07/22/simply-fabulous-4-course-set-lunch-les-amis-on-22jul2014/ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-07-30
241 瀏覽
Went dinner with hubby at Les Amis, romantic and quiet restaurant with excellent service. I ordered the Lobster Pasta, angel hair spaghetti was cooked al dente, soaked up the amazing flavors from the light, lemon-garlic wine sauce. Tender and succulent lobster meat laid down nicely on the pasta. The rest of the gastronomic spread has fancy visual appeal but tasted palatable.Dessert, coconut infused sweet white chocolate joint with dark bitter chocolate was a wonderful piece.Served with a zesty and icy mango sherbet. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2013-07-18
121 瀏覽
Les Amis serves up contemporary European cuisine. We had the amuse bouche which was very nicely presented. The egg custard was light and fluffy and the caviar very tasty. We then had the carpaccio of Spanish octopus which was seasoned with radish and horseradish. The Spanish octopus was excellent given its freshness. Another excellent dish was the free range Japanese Hen Egg Confit. The Iberian ham inside was simply out of this world. For desserts, we had the vodka granite that is a must-have given the explosion of flavours. We will certainly be back. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)