2013-09-14 132 瀏覽
My bf & I were just looking for some snacks around bugis & thought we should have wow tako as we just had dinner.However, while ordering, we were taken aback as the staff suddenly shouted at us. Here's what happened, it was our turn & I just asked if we could mix the flavor of the tako & first, the female staff in red uniform just nodded (& looking fierce with no smile). Anyway I thought I should try all of the flavor since there were about 4 to 5 flavor (1 each as there was a promo of 5 pieces
My bf & I were just looking for some snacks around bugis & thought we should have wow tako as we just had dinner.
However, while ordering, we were taken aback as the staff suddenly shouted at us.

Here's what happened, it was our turn & I just asked if we could mix the flavor of the tako & first, the female staff in red uniform just nodded (& looking fierce with no smile). Anyway I thought I should try all of the flavor since there were about 4 to 5 flavor (1 each as there was a promo of 5 pieces for $3), so I just pointed at the octopus ones first. So she asked in Chinese "how many?". I was too engrossed looking at the other flavor & didn't catch her so I just replied "huh sorry?" The next thing I knew, she just shouted back in Chinese "I asking you, you want how many?? You want to mix right? Must tell me how many octopus flavor u want?? Or you want all 5 octopus flavor is it?!" I was stun. She literally scolded me in a mall. She was in the stall alone but I was the only customer in line! I do not understand why does she need to scold me at all. It is not like I am holding up a queue or anything!

I was stunned & pissed. Almost wanted to walk off, but I just told her I want 1 piece of each of the flavor. & she shouted at me again but this time at a lower volume in Chinese "ya.. Say clearly la, how I know how many u want. Next time say like that." Is that how their staff educate their customers?! A while later, another lady staff in black uniform (whom I assume is the supervisor or the outlet manager) walked in after the drama screaming, but I have just made my payment & my bf sense that I was pretty pissed & guided me away quickly.

The food, too much flour & my cheese & mushroom doesn't seems to have cheese in it. The size/quantity of the ingredients like the octopus & prawns in it are small & little. Literally 1 tiny piece smaller than the size of a pea in each tako ball. So you can imagine the amount of flour content in each tako ball.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$3 (其他)
2013-07-23 72 瀏覽
I was surprised that my dad bought back two boxes of mixed Tako balls. I probably guess he never tried before and I did not have for as long as anyone knew. Because the price increased as expected over the years from 3 for $2 to now 4 for $3. And you can find it even in pasar malam now which once used to be rare in Singapore.Nothing much to be excited over the tako balls. Probably the standard dropped a little. It doesn't taste as good. Too soft and the fillings inside (octopus, prawns and bacon
I was surprised that my dad bought back two boxes of mixed Tako balls. I probably guess he never tried before and I did not have for as long as anyone knew. Because the price increased as expected over the years from 3 for $2 to now 4 for $3. And you can find it even in pasar malam now which once used to be rare in Singapore.

Nothing much to be excited over the tako balls. Probably the standard dropped a little. It doesn't taste as good. Too soft and the fillings inside (octopus, prawns and bacon) are quite small a portion that I actually taste more of the tako balls or batter than having the octopus, prawns or bacon to accompany with. Not worth having this anymore unless you run out of option.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2013-05-30 31 瀏覽
I had Tako today before my lunch and before i start my day! I choose 2 octopus, 1 prawn and 1 ham and cheese. (one thing i liked about Wow Tako is that it allow customer to mix and match which some Tako outlet "force" their customers to pick all the same favour.) I personally prefer the prawns more as it is just cooked and is so warm, followed by the octopus and last is the ham and cheese. The amount of flour they use was just right as the Tako was not too thick (too much flour) and made it hard
I had Tako today before my lunch and before i start my day! I choose 2 octopus, 1 prawn and 1 ham and cheese. (one thing i liked about Wow Tako is that it allow customer to mix and match which some Tako outlet "force" their customers to pick all the same favour.) I personally prefer the prawns more as it is just cooked and is so warm, followed by the octopus and last is the ham and cheese. The amount of flour they use was just right as the Tako was not too thick (too much flour) and made it hard to bite and too little (which "break apart" easily when the filling was added). The fish flakes added was also yummy and is slightly salty so i can help to improve on it saltiness.

PS: Go so where around 9pm there will offer, instead 3 for $2.50/ 4 for $3!
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2012-06-23 41 瀏覽
Cheap yummy japanese takos balls @ bugis junction , wow tako4 for 3$ and 10 for $6.80and do check out the sale after 8pmThe flakes they give is alot and u can ask for more!they also have unique toppings like nacho cheese, hershey chocolate !takos are made the day itself but one thing bad is that the amt of octopus/ham and cheese inside is quite little for the pricethe sauce is so-so only
Cheap yummy japanese takos balls @ bugis junction , wow tako
4 for 3$ and 10 for $6.80
and do check out the sale after 8pm
The flakes they give is alot and u can ask for more!
they also have unique toppings like nacho cheese, hershey chocolate !
takos are made the day itself
but one thing bad is that the amt of octopus/ham and cheese inside is quite little for the price
the sauce is so-so only
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2012-06-19 35 瀏覽
I could not resist queuing up and buying the tako balls when I saw a few girls having them. Luckily for me, the tako balls are just made, so it is pipping hot. The exterior crust is a little crispy and the interior is soft. I choose the cheese and ham filling and the melted cheese just oozes out, making it very delicious. I omitted the mayo because I thought the combination of the sauce and the flakes made this very flavourful already. Try to get them while they are just made, because it really
I could not resist queuing up and buying the tako balls when I saw a few girls having them. Luckily for me, the tako balls are just made, so it is pipping hot. The exterior crust is a little crispy and the interior is soft. I choose the cheese and ham filling and the melted cheese just oozes out, making it very delicious. I omitted the mayo because I thought the combination of the sauce and the flakes made this very flavourful already. Try to get them while they are just made, because it really does taste better.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)