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This is licharng living in Bishan. I am a Marketing Exec, work in Toa Payoh. I also love Hawker Centre, Hotel, Restaurant, french fries.
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licharng  Level 4
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i live to eat!!!!! simply love good food! :)
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Bak Kwa  OK  2012-01-20
Today our colleague bought bak kwa from bee cheng hiang for us to eat! How nice of him...Well i must say this is a must eat during Chinese Near Year! definitely one of my favourite new year goodies. However in my opinion , i...

After eating the bak kwa in the office, i'm a bit full, so thought of going for a light lunch with colleagues. Not sure whether it's because the bak kwa i had was too tasty, it makes my bowl of pork slice beehoon with prawn soup very t...

Italian ice cream  OK  2012-01-18
After having my dinner at Carl's Junior, me and hubby decided to go for the italian ice cream! We had the hazelnut gelato and mango sherbet gelato. My personal preference would be the mango sherbet. The texture of the ice-crea...
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licharng 2011-06-21 15:24
Hi, for the snap and share your unique dining experience co...
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