2017-06-17 1014 瀏覽
辣椒螃蟹風靡新馬泰,作法不難,各家各施各發,各有熟客。唯獨Roland堪稱此佳餚之原創。慕名前來,一嘗之下邊知巧妙。坊間不少辣椒螃蟹用番茄和辣椒醬調味,確實可口也大眾化。而Roland的辣椒螃蟹用自家的豆瓣醬做基礎,吃起來更鹹香辣,是大人的味道。因此,你可以放棄白飯。多叫幾個香酥炸饅頭。脆香饅頭沾醬汁吃,很容易停不下手。 Roland應該主要靠口碑。位置相當奇怪,位於停車場六樓。裝潢挺有80年代酒家風味。週末11am開門,早去的話有包場feel。
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
公幹到星加坡,我哋來自香港嘅話想食胡椒蟹,當地夥伴:問使唔使要豪華場面?我哋話最緊要好食!果然佢哋冇介紹錯去咗一個,好似香港啲公共屋村咁樣嘅商場嘅地方,係停車場行搭𨋢上,去真係完全係領匯長嘅格局,但係一上菜第一碟,已經知道呢間野不得了,在場胡椒蟹、咖喱蟹、同埋有薑蔥蒸蟹,蟹肉紮實甜美、非常新鮮,因為胡椒蟹、辣椒蟹、味濃菜式,係好多食肆都可以以味憹掩蓋左係食物本身嘅鮮味,甚至乎有啲不良嘅老闆就搵啲唔係太正嘅貨色,你加入咖喱味一般人都已經會收貨,呢間叫東皇,超過開業50年,仲係聲稱係original 就係始創嘅胡椒蟹, 的而且確上菜嘅熱度非常之熱,但係呢就唔會過老、過鞋,保持到海鮮嘅鮮味,胡椒蟹又好,咖喱蟹,都能夠說得出唔會發妹仔大個主人婆嘅後果,其餘都點左其他啲啱炒菜,都係非常之吸引,有一碟魷魚仔,雖然以為會係都係啲油炸或者係好鹹嘅感覺,但係食落冷落啲與魷魚仔好鮮味,總結呢餐係超值,只要你唔介意佢比較遠離市區一點點及場面比較舊,隔離包房仲有傳來陣陣70年代嘅國語歌聲添,卡拉OK緊,整體來講服務,清潔,食品質素係非常之好超值,肯定好過好多所謂大排檔貨色,但係價錢又唔會係去到啲特色食肆嗰啲殺
果然佢哋冇介紹錯去咗一個,好似香港啲公共屋村咁樣嘅商場嘅地方,係停車場行搭𨋢上,去真係完全係領匯長嘅格局,但係一上菜第一碟,已經知道呢間野不得了,在場胡椒蟹、咖喱蟹、同埋有薑蔥蒸蟹,蟹肉紮實甜美、非常新鮮,因為胡椒蟹、辣椒蟹、味濃菜式,係好多食肆都可以以味憹掩蓋左係食物本身嘅鮮味,甚至乎有啲不良嘅老闆就搵啲唔係太正嘅貨色,你加入咖喱味一般人都已經會收貨,呢間叫東皇,超過開業50年,仲係聲稱係original 就係始創嘅胡椒蟹, 的而且確上菜嘅熱度非常之熱,但係呢就唔會過老、過鞋,保持到海鮮嘅鮮味,胡椒蟹又好,咖喱蟹,都能夠說得出唔會發妹仔大個主人婆嘅後果,其餘都點左其他啲啱炒菜,都係非常之吸引,有一碟魷魚仔,雖然以為會係都係啲油炸或者係好鹹嘅感覺,但係食落冷落啲與魷魚仔好鮮味,總結呢餐係超值,只要你唔介意佢比較遠離市區一點點及場面比較舊,隔離包房仲有傳來陣陣70年代嘅國語歌聲添,卡拉OK緊,整體來講服務,清潔,食品質素係非常之好超值,肯定好過好多所謂大排檔貨色,但係價錢又唔會係去到啲特色食肆嗰啲殺人海鮮收費。
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2013-11-25 1107 瀏覽
If you are looking for delicious chili crab, you may want to try Roland Restaurant‘s famous chili crab! Their chili crab is fresh and succulent. The gravy is filled with thick and luscious eggs and it goes very well with deep fried man-tous. The crabs are cracked up enough so that you do not need to use the pincers to crack it yourself. Price of the crab is dependent on the season. Currently is about $45/kg. Another dish worth mentioning is their seafood mee sua, it is filled with fresh seafood
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If you are looking for delicious chili crab, you may want to try Roland Restaurant‘s famous chili crab! Their chili crab is fresh and succulent. The gravy is filled with thick and luscious eggs and it goes very well with deep fried man-tous. The crabs are cracked up enough so that you do not need to use the pincers to crack it yourself. Price of the crab is dependent on the season. Currently is about $45/kg. Another dish worth mentioning is their seafood mee sua, it is filled with fresh seafood ingredients and scrumptious.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • Chili Crab
2013-10-15 745 瀏覽
Roland Restaurant is da BEST place to enjoy Chili Crab!! The chili crab is fresh, big and sweet. The sweet and spicy gravy is thick and mouthwatering with lots of eggs. The Pomfret in 2 Ways is another highly recommended dish. One side is deep fried with superior sauce, while the other side is stir fried with broccoli. The fish is fresh and luscious. The Crispy Chicken in 2 Styles is one dish that Roland Restaurant invented. The chicken skin is spread with minced prawn paste while the chicken
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Roland Restaurant is da BEST place to enjoy Chili Crab!! The chili crab is fresh, big and sweet. The sweet and spicy gravy is thick and mouthwatering with lots of eggs.
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The Pomfret in 2 Ways is another highly recommended dish. One side is deep fried with superior sauce, while the other side is stir fried with broccoli. The fish is fresh and luscious.
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The Crispy Chicken in 2 Styles is one dish that Roland Restaurant invented. The chicken skin is spread with minced prawn paste while the chicken meat is cook with salted egg. Delicious!
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$50 (晚餐)
  • Chili Crab
  • Pomfret in 2 Ways
2013-10-13 843 瀏覽
Apart from serving awesome Chili Crabs, Roland Restaurant also serves Dim Sum! Only during weekends and public holidays they have Dim Sum in push cart moving around the restaurant and they also serves special dishes like Vinegar Pig Trotter and XO Carrot Cake. The Vinegar Pig Trotter is not too sour and the pig trotter is not too fatty. The XO Carrot Cake is slightly salty, may be because of the ‘cai por’, but I like it. I also ordered Har Gao, Siew Mai, Pork Rib from the push cart. They are al
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Apart from serving awesome Chili Crabs, Roland Restaurant also serves Dim Sum! Only during weekends and public holidays they have Dim Sum in push cart moving around the restaurant and they also serves special dishes like Vinegar Pig Trotter and XO Carrot Cake. The Vinegar Pig Trotter is not too sour and the pig trotter is not too fatty. The XO Carrot Cake is slightly salty, may be because of the ‘cai por’, but I like it. I also ordered Har Gao, Siew Mai, Pork Rib from the push cart. They are all pretty good and I highly recommend the pork rib. It is well marinated and a little spicy with some yam cube.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
  • XO Carrot Cake
  • Pork Ribs
2013-10-08 530 瀏覽
For photos and more reviews, visit http://thelittlemomentsofmylife.blogspot.com (:Roland Restaurant was one of the 4 most famous Chinese restaurants in Singapore, along with Red Star and Lai Wah if i'm not wrong! (: i have no idea which is the last restaurant which completes the quartet though! since we were in the east on sunday, we decided to pop by Roland for dinner (: haven't eaten there for quite a long time! but the one thing that stuck in my head since my last visit was that their rice i
For photos and more reviews, visit http://thelittlemomentsofmylife.blogspot
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.com (:

Roland Restaurant was one of the 4 most famous Chinese restaurants in Singapore, along with Red Star and Lai Wah if i'm not wrong! (: i have no idea which is the last restaurant which completes the quartet though!
since we were in the east on sunday, we decided to pop by Roland for dinner (: haven't eaten there for quite a long time! but the one thing that stuck in my head since my last visit was that their rice is of super high quality!!! seriously! i had never tasted such nice white rice before! this time when we went to the restaurant, we didn't eat rice (because we ordered hor fun instead), but i'll never forget how the rice was just so fragrant and tasty just on its own.

first dish we ordered were the salad prawns! crispy prawns slathered with sweet mayo, on a bed of honeydew and cucumber, and BEST OF ALL, topped with fried/roasted walnuts! this dish was really awesome! (: i loved it dipped in the chili provided as well (:

i don't really know what the vege dish was called, but it's like mini xiao bai cai, in this really yummy sauce-soup base and topped with huge chunks of grilled garlic. the sauce was superbly tasty, and very nutritious. i was so tempted to drink it all up xD and the grilled garlic on top was nicely crunchy and tasty. forget garlic breath!

i was somewhat disappointed with the sweet and sour pork here. considering it is such a common dish, which typically tastes good everywhere, i would have expected more from such a good restaurant. Sadly, i felt this dish was just mediocre. the chunks of pork seemed rather hard, rather than crispy.

the beef hor fun was saucy and fragrant, and this is probably one dish that is difficult to go wrong (: the slices of beef were nice and tender!

ordered orh nee for dessert! but i was kinda disappointed with it. the yam paste itself was nice, but because it was in some sort of corn sauce (which i don't really like!) so it didn't really appeal to me xP
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2013-06-10 215 瀏覽
My family and I decided to visit Roland Restaurant for an early Father's Day celebration and try out their Chili Crab as they claimed to be the founder of this famous Singaporean dish.The restaurant is located at the top of a multi-storey carpark near Marine Parade Central, but dont think that the restaurant would be run down because of that. Roland Restaurant is actually a very well renovated and clean place - also a popular venue for wedding dinners.Some of the dishes we had:Crispy crullers wi
My family and I decided to visit Roland Restaurant for an early Father's Day celebration and try out their Chili Crab as they claimed to be the founder of this famous Singaporean dish.

The restaurant is located at the top of a multi-storey carpark near Marine Parade Central, but dont think that the restaurant would be run down because of that. Roland Restaurant is actually a very well renovated and clean place - also a popular venue for wedding dinners.

Some of the dishes we had:
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Crispy crullers with baby squid

Crispy crullers is actually fried you tiao with fish paste. The crispy crullers tasted fresh and not too oily. Crispy on the outside and soft in the inside.. The baby squids are also deep fried, and then wok fried with sweet sauce. Very nice when paired with the crispy crullers.
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Chili Crab

Chili Crab is what Roland Restaurant is really famous for and it's really very good! The sauce is really one of the best that I have ever tasted. I thought it would be really spicy looking at it as the sauce is really red and have chili oil floating, but it's actually not. The spiciness is just right for me as some of the chili crabs out there are so spicy that I have to keep gulping water every few mouths.
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Salted Egg Yolk Crab

This is definitely a must try other than the Chili Crab! They serve 2 types of Salted Egg Yolk crab at Roland Restaurant - the wet & the dry, and this is the dry version.

This is so so delicious! The Salted Egg Yolk Crab also comes with a generous amount of thin strips of deep fried yam that's so crispy & yummy! seriously cant enough of this dish! Highly recommended.

The prices at Roland Restaurant are steep, but it's definitely worth. Besides what is mentioned above, we also ordered the honey glazed duck, dark soy sauce prawns and Pomela Sago - all of which are very delicious. A great place to have a family gathering.

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$60 (晚餐)
  • Salted egg yolk crab
  • Chili crab
2013-04-27 182 瀏覽
Roland Restaurant was the venue for our get-together dinner on 24apr2013.Roland had a long history (from 1956 when Lim Choon Ngee & his wife started a seafood restaurant by the Kallang River, later relocated to Bedok Beach – now the reclaimed ECP – and the current location at Block 89, Marine Parade Central managed by their son Roland after they migrated to Christchurch in 1985) and reputation and the food is certain to be good. I have always wanted to try but never quite got round to it. I par
Roland Restaurant was the venue for our get-together dinner on 24apr2013.

Roland had a long history (from 1956 when Lim Choon Ngee & his wife started a seafood restaurant by the Kallang River, later relocated to Bedok Beach – now the reclaimed ECP – and the current location at Block 89, Marine Parade Central managed by their son Roland after they migrated to Christchurch in 1985) and reputation and the food is certain to be good. I have always wanted to try but never quite got round to it. I parked my car at Parkway Parade, not by design but turned out to be not a bad option as parking for the evening was only $1.50! The more seasoned among my peers correctly parked at the multi-storey car park where the restaurant itself was located on level 6.
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We had 13 pax for the evening. Dinner started with the appetizer platter (prawn mayo, small octopus, a seasoned pork dish, haechor & a roll item) which was quite good as expected.

That was followed by a crab meat sharks fin soup – good too if nothing exceptional. Sambal kang kong was next. Roland was a good standard restaurant so all the dishes thus far were good.
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Next was the roast chicken. This was nicely done! The skin was crispy & the meat moist, sweet & tender, very nice taken with a dip of 5-spice salt provided.
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CH & I thought the deep-fried squid (their signature dish) was par excellence – crispy, crunchy, tasty! must say I had not taken it for a really really long time liao (don’t go Long Beach, Jumbo type seafood restaurants often & these days they also do fine dining dishes & deep-fried squid does not feature much).
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The chilli crab (top photo) was another of Roland’s signature dish. This was very good too, though these days many restaurants like Long Beach, Jumbo etc do this very well too. & of course the deep-fried mantou buns to soak up the chilli crab sauce. yummy!

The fried rice was also of good standard – “pang” got “wokhae” ie fragrant (my favourite though was the Imperial Treasure dried scallop crab-meat egg-white fried rice, and recently I had a very good one at Xin Cuisine). the deep-fried tiny silver fish I supposed gave it added textured complexity though it didn’t really work for me – too crunchy – I preferred my fried rice simple & fragrant.

the orh nee yam puree dessert was like totally bland? I guess no lard no taste la..such a wonderful, fun evening of food, fun & feel good!

(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$37 (晚餐)
  • chilli crab
  • deep-fried squid
  • roast chicken
2012-02-06 176 瀏覽
What used to be the famous Sin Leong Restaurant is now renamed as Roland Restaurant and apparently its original owner and the god father of current owner Roland Lim, Chef Sin Leong, was one of the "four heavenly kings" in the culinary world who created yusheng as we know it today. And to add to that history, Roland's family was the "founder" of chilli crab as well as the esteemd Palm Beach Seafood Restaurant, which was sold off in the 80's when the family moved to New Zealand for 15 years.
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129 瀏覽
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What used to be the famous Sin Leong Restaurant is now renamed as Roland Restaurant and apparently its original owner and the god father of current owner Roland Lim, Chef Sin Leong, was one of the "four heavenly kings" in the culinary world who created yusheng as we know it today. And to add to that history, Roland's family was the "founder" of chilli crab as well as the esteemd Palm Beach Seafood Restaurant, which was sold off in the 80's when the family moved to New Zealand for 15 years.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2012-02-05 116 瀏覽
I have always wanted to try the Chilli crab that started all Chilli crabs but no chance till now! My best friends returned home from overseas and demanded to fulfill their Chilli crabs need. So I suggested to try Roland Restaurant, I mean they DID claim that they are the originator!! As the star dish of the night, I must say that their Chilli crab is indeed better than most I have eaten. This is because many restaurants cater to foreigners' taste buds and scale down their Chilli-ness to tomato s
I have always wanted to try the Chilli crab that started all Chilli crabs but no chance till now!

My best friends returned home from overseas and demanded to fulfill their Chilli crabs need. So I suggested to try Roland Restaurant, I mean they DID claim that they are the originator!!

As the star dish of the night, I must say that their Chilli crab is indeed better than most I have eaten. This is because many restaurants cater to foreigners' taste buds and scale down their Chilli-ness to tomato sweet. Their sauce is thick with a hint of tomato sweet and yet still packed with even Chilli punch! Awesome!!!! The crabs themselves were fresh and meat was juicy and firm.

Another star of the night has to be the Salted Egg Crab with yam. It's really salted egg sauce that's fried into the crab and they tossed in some yam fritters to give the dish extra crispiness, crunch and flavor!!!

We had many other dishes and all beautifully done. As my best friend said at the end of the meal, "Roland knows how to do it right". The meal is not cheap but we had Sea Bass and drunken prawns and Broccoli with Scallops so it's rather worth the cost.

Definitely bringing my family to try.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
$60 (晚餐)
  • Chilli Crab
  • Salted Egg with Yam Crab
2012-02-05 130 瀏覽
USA Duck - Purportedly one of the signature dishes of Roland, the USA duck was nothing but a let down. Dry and bland meat led to the conclusion/belief that the duck was frozen. Sure, the skin was a little crisp but that's probably the only positive. And the sauce, which tasted a little like plum sauce - sweet with a little sourish contrast, certainly didn't make things any better.
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USA Duck - Purportedly one of the signature dishes of Roland,
the USA duck was nothing but a let down.
Dry and bland meat led to the conclusion/belief that the duck was frozen.
Sure, the skin was a little crisp but that's probably the only positive.
And the sauce, which tasted a little like plum sauce - sweet with a little sourish contrast, certainly didn't make things any better.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2012-01-30 81 瀏覽
I have always see this 'face' logo of this restaurant whenever I go for my grocery shopping at NTUC. The restaurant was tuck edaway in this multi storey car at Marine Parade. And I never expected this place to be so big. It seem to be popular for people to hold weddings and one month celebrations as there was a board of events display at the entrance.I like the idea where push cart are used for dim sum as it remind me of restaurant which I visited in Hong Kong.It is quite hard to find such place
I have always see this 'face' logo of this restaurant whenever I go for my grocery shopping at NTUC. The restaurant was tuck edaway in this multi storey car at Marine Parade. And I never expected this place to be so big. It seem to be popular for people to hold weddings and one month celebrations as there was a board of events display at the entrance.

I like the idea where push cart are used for dim sum as it remind me of restaurant which I visited in Hong Kong.It is quite hard to find such place in singapore and I am delighted when I see one in marine parade.

The porridge came in a middle size bowl.The quantity was just nice to fill half my stomach so that I can ordered other items. Like most places, the porridge was smooth and sweet tasting. Very traditonal taste...

The Chee Cheong Fun was great! It was abit thick but still very tender. I also like the idea that they give this vegetable with chee cheong fun, which also taste nice with the sauce.

Good place for family gathering as VIP are equipped with Karaoke system!! But I remember the waitress told me it has to meet a minimum spending.
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
2011-10-06 180 瀏覽
What used to be the famous Sin Leong Restaurant is now renamed as Roland Restaurant and apparently its original owner and the god father of current owner Roland Lim, Chef Sin Leong, was one of the "four heavenly kings" in the culinary world who created yusheng as we know it today. And to add to that history, Roland's family was the "founder" of chilli crab as well as the esteemd Palm Beach Seafood Restaurant, which was sold off in the 80's when the family moved to New Zealand for 15 years.The re
What used to be the famous Sin Leong Restaurant is now renamed as Roland Restaurant and apparently its original owner and the god father of current owner Roland Lim, Chef Sin Leong, was one of the "four heavenly kings" in the culinary world who created yusheng as we know it today. And to add to that history, Roland's family was the "founder" of chilli crab as well as the esteemd Palm Beach Seafood Restaurant, which was sold off in the 80's when the family moved to New Zealand for 15 years.

The restaurant is located at the most unlikely of places, on the top floor of a multi story carpark next to Parkway Parade Shopping Centre - reminiscent of another old time restaurant, Red Star, whose owner was also one of the four "heavenly kings". Roland's interior, however, is more modernised and even boasts a water wall feature at the entrance.

Asparagus with Japanese Mushrooms - An excellent first dish augured well for our dinner. The asparagus were crunchy without being undercooked and in the midst of the mushrooms were generous bits of dried shrimp (虾米) that imparted a distinct unami taste. Most delightful! Look out for chopped chilli in the mix though, because it can get quite spicy.

USA Duck - Purportedly one of the signature dishes of Roland, the USA duck was nothing but a let down. Dry and bland meat led to the conclusion/belief that the duck was frozen. Sure, the skin was a little crisp but that's probably the only positive. And the sauce, which tasted a little like plum sauce - sweet with a little sourish contrast, certainly didn't make things any better.

Prawns with Salted Egg - The prawns were a pretty sight - sizeable and coated with tons of egg frills. But when it came down to what mattered most, the taste test, they faltered. For starters, the prawns were huge and crunchy but not sweet (we couldn't make out any taste of prawn actually). Add to the fact that anything coated with too much soft and paste like egg yolk is a sure recipe for nausea, this dish left us feeling queasy after a few bites.

Owing to Chinese New Year, I am presuming the prices have been marked up (the menu stated CNY menu). Nonetheless, $83 for dinner for 3 pax isn't exactly reasonable, considering that it was still a week before CNY when we patronised. Food quality was average at best, saved only by the asparagus. Some people might argue that Roland is best known for their chilli crab, but with such average dishes, I find it hard to justify a return trip for their crabs, or anything else for that matter.

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